Key updates to JED Campus provide tailored program pathways specifically for community colleges, graduate and professional schools, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), and minority-serving institutions (MSIs).
As part of The Jed Foundation’s efforts to continue optimizing our JED Campus program, we’ve made new research-informed enhancements to support specific institution types, including community colleges, graduate and professional schools, historically Black colleges and universities (HBCUs), and minority-serving institutions (MSIs).
These pathways are based on analysis of existing data, feedback from current JED Campuses, and other sources. They include:
- Revised and updated program assessments
- Enhanced strategic plan recommendations
- Strengthened implementation support for JED Campus participants
For more information, complete the form below.
Learn more about the enhancements for each institution type:
- Guidance for schools with or without counseling centers, clinical staff, or health centers focused on utilizing community resources and partnerships to provide services to students and find affordable health coverage
- Guidance on mental health support and social connectedness for schools with large commuter populations focused on community building and belonging
- Recommendations for crisis management and providing services for community colleges with dual-enrollment high school students
- Recommendations for providing mental health services tailored to the unique needs of graduate students
- Recommended policies related to medical leaves of absence and involuntary withdrawals that reflect the distinct structures of graduate programs
- Guidance on developing procedures and resources to support students who experience potentially traumatic events during practicum or internship placements
- Updated guidance on peer mentorship, including strategies for faculty-student mentorship programs
- Recommendations to foster student belonging and social connectedness, including considerations for interfaith engagement
- Revised mental health campaign strategies, with attention to addressing barriers to care and increasing help-seeking behaviors, which the research identified as especially important for Black student mental health
While no separate materials have been developed for MSIs specifically, the considerations and enhancements for MSIs were embedded throughout all institution types.
The learnings from MSIs were incorporated as comprehensive improvements for all school types in order to better address challenges faced by underrepresented students on all campuses.
Specific examples include:
- Added a cultural wellness component to the life skills domain, including recommendations to offer programming around social skills, career, financial literacy, and other areas.
- Expanded resources related to cultural responsiveness training that ensures tailored approaches to different people in different contexts
- Included guidance related to culturally competent primary care with providers that ensure tailored approaches to different people in different contexts
- Recommendation to offer some resources in languages common among the student body/their families
- Provided resources to access health care and removed the requirement for health insurance
Complete the form above to learn more about the program enhancements, related fees, and assistance in applying for funding opportunities.