How to Get Help

We all struggle at times — that is part of being human — and we all deserve whatever support we need to move through the hard times. Sometimes that means professional mental health care. Maybe you just want someone to talk to or you’re working on a particular goal or managing relationship issues. Maybe you’re struggling with a mental illness or suicidal thoughts. Whatever you are going through, you are not alone, there is good help available, and you can use it to start feeling better and move toward a future you want. 

Use the resources on this page to start your journey.

What Is Therapy and Will It Work?

Talking to a mental health professional can help with all kinds of issues. Learn more about different kinds of therapy and how it can help you.

How to Start Therapy: 6 Tips

Get tips on how to find a therapist, navigate insurance coverage, and take care of yourself when seeking mental health care.

7 Ways to Get Affordable Mental Health Care

Use this guide to find low- or no-cost mental health care when you need it.

What to Expect From Therapy

It is common to feel nervous or unsure when starting therapy. Here's what to know when starting your journey.

The Benefits of a Therapist Who Shares Your Cultural Background

It can help to work with someone who understands where you're coming from—and where you want to go.

How to Find a Culturally Competent Therapist

A guide to finding a therapist who understands and respects your background.

How to Find Mental Health Care When You're Concerned About Privacy

Get to know your privacy and confidentiality rights and feel more at ease getting support.

8 Ways to Take Care of Yourself When You’re Waiting for Mental Health Care

Sometimes you have to wait to see a mental health professional, but there are ways to take care of yourself in the meantime.

How to Tell Someone You Are Thinking About Suicide

Use this step-by-step guide to get help for your suicidal thoughts. Help is available right now.