National & Local Media Coverage of and DonorsChoose Support of JED’s Training Courses | The Jed Foundation

National & Local Media Coverage of and DonorsChoose Support of JED’s Training Courses

To kick off its $10 million Google Teen Mental Health Initiative, has fully funded all live DonorsChoose projects posted by August 12 requesting mental health resources for high school students. As part of the initiative, has supported JED, along with the Child Mind Institute and The Steve Fund to develop nine virtual mental health training courses.

Find news coverage of and DonorsChoose support of JED’s mission-driven work.

  1. ABC News: Google and Selena Gomez partner to fund teen mental health in the classroom
  2. GlobeNewswire: Google’s $10 million Initiative aims to provide mental health resources to one million high school students
  3. AP News: Google and Selena Gomez partner to fund teen mental health in the classroom
  4. KSAT: Google and Selena Gomez partner to fund teen mental health in the classroom
  5. MSN: Google and Selena Gomez partner to fund teen mental health in the classroom



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