It’s OK to say suicide. | The Jed Foundation

It’s OK to Say Suicide.

If you’re scared to say the word suicide—either because you’re thinking about it, you’re worried someone you know might be considering it, or, you just don’t know how to talk about it—we want you to know it’s OK to say it. 

Being able to talk openly about suicide opens the door for people to get help. We are here to not only tell you it’s OK to say suicide, we’re here to show you how.

You can start by listening to the stories of the nine amazing young adults featured in the documentary “Each and Every Day” whose lives were saved by saying suicide and asking for help. 

Then you can use and share the resources on this page to start your own life-saving conversation. 

“When I was fifteen, sixteen, I could not see myself having a job or going to college because I could not see my future that long. So, every time I would get through one of those milestones that’s what I think about, and I think about how happy I am to be alive and how grateful I am that I kept going.” — Emma

There is hope—and help.

You Can Get Through This

Nine young people who had suicidal thoughts or suicide attempts share the hope they found when they got help and how you can find it too.

Help is Waiting

You are not alone. People who care, are trained, and have been through the same struggle, like Emma, are a text or phone call away.

How to talk about suicide.

You Can Tell Someone You’re Thinking About Suicide

Asking for help is the first step to feeling better. Abraham discovered that in the college counseling center. Watch now, and learn how to tell someone that you need help by clicking the link below.

You Can Ask Someone if They're Thinking About Suicide

Worried you’ll upset them? Saniya is forever grateful that her best friend came over and talked Saniya into telling her mom. Tune in, and learn how to ask a friend if they need help.

“I had written a note saying sorry for being a burden to my friends and my family. My best friend called me and said, ‘I am coming over.’ She drove over and just kind of held me. I really appreciate that she convinced me to tell my mom, because I don’t think I would have.” — Saniya

How to get help.

Therapy Can Make a Huge Difference

Therapists are trained to be good listeners with good advice. When Hannah found one she clicked with, she discovered her own “Black girl magic.” Watch her story, and learn everything you need to know about therapy—from finding it to affording it.

When Everything Changed

There are many paths to feeling better. Hear how these students realized they needed help, how they reached out for it, and what helped them build their futures. Use the resources on this page to find the help you need and build your future.

“We looked at each other and [said] I might need some help. We started looking for Black therapists so I have someone that I could relate to on lots and lots of bases. I love therapy. I’m in therapy religiously. It’s helped me be OK with myself and love myself.” — Hannah

Start talking.

Share these on your social channels and let your friends, family, and followers know “It’s OK to Say Suicide.” You just might save a life.

Sample social text:

  • Saying the word “suicide” will not make someone consider it. But it could make them feel comfortable enough to talk about it. Join @jedfoundation and learn how to start conversations that can save lives. Learn more at #SuicidePreventionAwarenessMonth #ItsOkToSaySuicide 
  • When we say “suicide,” we take the first step toward asking for — and getting — help. Follow @jedfoundation to learn how to talk about suicide. For more resources visit: #SuicidePreventionAwarenessMonth #ItsOkToSaySuicide
  • Find out what you need to know to talk about suicide, get help, and support yourself and others from @jedfoundation. Visit to learn more. #SuicidePreventionAwarenessMonth #ItsOkToSaySuicide


Watch the full documentary, Each and Every Day,” from Executive Producer Sheila Nevins and Director Alexandra Shiva created in partnership with MTV Documentary Films and JED and be inspired. You can also find information for hosting screenings on campus and at events.

Connect With JED

Get Help Now

If you or someone you know needs to talk to someone right now, text, call, or chat 988 for a free confidential conversation with a trained counselor 24/7. 

You can also contact the Crisis Text Line by texting HOME to 741-741.

If this is a medical emergency or if there is immediate danger of harm, call 911 and explain that you need support for a mental health crisis.